Vision Therapy

Binocular Vision Clinic – Vision Therapy Experts in Cincinnati!

Our Binocular Vision Clinic was started in 2009 by Dr. Young at the Newport office. Currently we see patients of all ages with conditions like Convergence Insufficiency and Amblyopia (lazy eye).

A word from Dr. Young: “Since starting this clinic I have seen lots of kids and even a few adults improve their focusing ability by completing our vision therapy program. What makes the biggest difference is that these individuals no longer complain of problems with double vision, headaches, or problems paying attention in class. The best part about this clinic is the compliments we have received is from parents telling us that their son or daughter now enjoys reading and has improved their grades at school.

Who is a candidate?

You or your child may be a candidate for the Binocular Vision Clinic if you have one or more of the following
symptoms: headaches, blurred vision when reading or doing close work, intermittent double vision at any time, difficulty with school work, trouble reading or lack of interest in reading, difficulty with attention, or oneeye turning in or out. These are some of the symptoms of a variety of conditions that can be improved with vision therapy.

What is vision therapy?

Vision therapy is a set of eye exercises designed to improve the coordination of the eyes over time. By training the eyes to work together better, the individual can often decrease or totally eliminate the symptoms that make reading and other tasks difficult or frustrating.
What vision therapy does NOT do: Vision therapy does not change the prescription of your eyes. Although it may improve the focusing ability of the eyes for computer or near work in individuals younger than 40 years old, it cannot eliminate the need for distance corrective lenses (glasses or contacts).
What we do in our Binocular Vision Clinic: After your binocular vision examination, Dr. Young will use your results to customize a vision therapy program with specific exercises to help you improve you symptoms over time. This may involve using computerized therapy with 3-D targets, or it may involve doing activities at home or in our office with specially designed handheld devices.
